Our Rules and Regulations
Biz Buyer Central® Community Rules & Regulations
Welcome to the Biz Buyer Central® Community Rules & Regulations
The business buying discussion forums, marketplace, and social network at BizBuyerCentral.com are where investors and business buyers congregate. By participating in Biz Buyer Central forums, marketplace, and social networks, you agree to follow the community rules and regulations outlined below. When we use the term “forum,” we mean any area of the BizBuyerCentral.com that allows interaction with other individuals visiting or using BizBuyerCentral.com, such as forums and marketplaces. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these rules and regulations. Biz Buyer Central is a community, and we rely on you to keep this community friendly and enjoyable by following these rules.
If you feel that another member’s post or activity has violated these rules and would like to bring it to our attention, you may contact us at BizBuyerCentral.com /contact-us. Although Biz Buyer Central tries to evaluate all reports regarding misuse of its services, it does not promise to do so, and it reserves the right to take any action or no action at all in response to such reports.
Forum And Blog Posting Regulations
A – No Pornographic or Sexual Material.
Sexually explicit discussions are not acceptable to our community. Sexually explicit content and links to such content are strictly prohibited.
B – No Profanity
The use of profanity is strictly prohibited, whether in titles, forums, blog posts, or anywhere else on Biz Buyer Central.
C – No Contact Information is Allowed in the Forums
Contact Information is not allowed to be posted in the Forums. Users may not post email addresses, phone numbers, social media handles or links to their website or company website (unless member is posting in our Marketplace Forums–see Rule V below).
In addition, do not disclose any personal information that you do not wish others to know.
D – No Impersonations.
Do not impersonate or attempt to impersonate other forum members, moderators, or administrators. In addition, do not post email addresses, standard addresses, ICQ and other messaging client numbers, or phone numbers which are not your own. The creation or use of fake user accounts is strictly prohibited.
E – You Must Disclose Your Relationship with any Company, Website, Guru, or Other Entity that You Comment About.
If you participate in a discussion about a company, website, guru, business broker, etc., and have any kind of relationship with that entity (e.g. affiliate, partnership, employee, owner), you must disclose this relationship in your post. Biz Buyer Central reserves the right to publicly or privately ask about your relationship with any company that you comment on, to remove any post which does not disclose such a relationship, and to close your account if you fail to disclose such a relationship.
F – No Abusive Behavior.
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not post or otherwise transmit (including through the Biz Buyer Central private messaging system) any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, abusive, hateful, harassing, obscene, sexually explicit, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.
G – Do Not Flame or Troll
Flaming, flame-baiting, and trolling are not allowed anywhere on this site, including in posts, signatures, and private messages. Flaming is directly insulting another member, flame-baiting is making a comment with the intention of getting a flame as a response, and trolling involves starting arguments or upsetting people by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
H – No Email Harvesting
Harvesting email addresses from our site is strictly prohibited. Do not harvest email addresses from Biz Buyer Central users.
I – No Private Message SPAM
Users may only send private messages to their colleagues, but these private messages may not contain advertisements or solicitations (this includes sending links directing people to your website) including copy and paste messages.
J – No Poaching or Polling
Diverting our members to competitor forums or websites is strictly forbidden.
Polling our members to gather information to be used on a competing business buying site, course, podcast, book, blog post or video is strictly forbidden.
K – No Affiliate Marketing
No form of affiliate marketing is allowed on Biz Buyer Central. That means no posting affiliate links in messages, in your signature, in blog posts, or on your profile. Hiding affiliate links through services that provide short urls is also forbidden.
L – No Religious or Political Postings
Religious statements and threads on the topic of religion are not permitted on Biz Buyer Central. Please do not use a religious quote in your signature, or anywhere else on the site.
Political threads not permitted on Biz Buyer Central. Any post or thread regarding politics will be removed. Biz Buyer Central reserves the right to edit any post or thread that may contain political commentary.
Biz Buyer Central is a business buying site, not a forum for religious or political debates, discussions, or proselytizing.
Spam is strictly prohibited on Biz Buyer Central. Spamming is characterized by the initiation of threads or posts that contribute nothing to a forum, whether on or off-topic. Examples include: advertisements that are not located in the Marketplace Forums, empty posts, copy and pasting content from other websites, posts with few words that have no relation to the current thread, promotion of your website or product in any thread other than the classifieds, and those posts that state they are Spam, either to annoy or to increase a member’s post count. Posting the same copy and paste message (or similar) across several threads is also considered Spam, as is filling your post with keywords with the goal of attracting searchers (keyword stuffing).
Responding to another user’s advertisement with an advertisement for different products or services is strictly prohibited.
If you have information to share, post it in the forums. We have many read-only members who can also benefit from your information.
Biz Buyer Central may in its sole discretion remove any content for any reason or no reason at all. In addition, Biz Buyer Central may restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to parts of or to the entire Biz Buyer Central Website if you violate any of the community rules and regulations or terms of use, or for any other reason, in its sole discretion. Biz Buyer Central may take these actions at any time, with or without notice and without liability to any users.
Biz Buyer Central’ failure at any time to require performance of any provision of these rules and regulations or our Terms of Use or to exercise any right provided for herein will not be deemed a waiver of such right provision or such right. All waivers must be in writing. Unless the written waiver contains an express statement to the contrary, no waiver by Biz Buyer Central of any breach of any provision of these rules and regulations or our Terms of Use or of any right provided for therein will be construed as a waiver of any continuing or succeeding breach of such provision, a waiver of the provision itself, or a waiver of any right under these rules and regulations or our Terms of Use.
It is your responsibility to maintain a current, valid email address in your registration information so that our moderators can contact you in the event of a policy violation, though no such contact by Biz Buyer Central is required.
Biz Buyer Central reserves the right to change or alter these rules at any time.
Last Updated: 01/01/2022