Should You Buy an Established Business or Buy a Franchise – Tough Call!

Many question marks on white papers. Doodle drawn question marks on scraps of paper. Choice

Are you ready to step into the world of business ownership? The question on your mind might be: do you strike out on your own with an established business or do you ride the franchise wave? Let’s take a closer look at these two paths, their advantages, disadvantages, and how they align with your entrepreneurial aspirations.

The Established Business Route: Building Your Own Castle


  • Immediate Presence: With an established business, you hit the ground running. Customers are familiar, and your business likely has a place in the local market.
  • Tested Waters: The business model and processes are already in place, saving you the initial trial and error phase. You inherit a playbook of what works.
  • Freedom to Innovate: Being the sole decision-maker, you can implement changes quickly. No corporate guidelines or franchise restrictions to hold you back. It is also easier to bring in a partner at the beginning or later on.
  • Personalized Touch: You’re free to infuse your personality into the business. Whether it’s the storefront design or customer interactions, it’s all your call.


  • Hidden Challenges: Buying an existing business means you inherit all its baggage. Outdated equipment or unresolved issues might surface after the deal is sealed.
  • Brand Building: You’re starting from scratch with brand recognition. Creating a positive image takes time and effort.
  • Limited Support: Without the backup of a franchisor, you’re on your own when things get tough. Finding resources and solutions might be more challenging.
  • Marketing Maze: Establishing a solid marketing strategy without franchise-provided support can be demanding, and trial and error could be your guide.

The Franchise Journey: Walking the Beaten Path


  • Proven Success: Franchises come with a track record. You’re adopting a business model that has proven itself elsewhere, minimizing some risk.
  • Instant Recognition: The power of a recognized brand can’t be overstated. You enter the market with a built-in customer base.
  • Support Network: Franchisors offer training, marketing, and operational support. You’re part of a larger network, making certain challenges easier to tackle.
  • Economies of Scale: Shared marketing and bulk purchasing can translate into cost savings, potentially boosting your profit margin.


  • Lack of Flexibility: Franchises have rules. You’re expected to adhere to the playbook, leaving limited room for creativity and local adaptations.
  • Cost Considerations: While the initial franchise fee and startup costs might be manageable, ongoing royalties and advertising contributions can eat into your revenue.
  • Uniformity Over Uniqueness: Each franchise follows the same formula. If you thrive on innovation and uniqueness, this could feel stifling.
  • Exit Strategy Complexity: Selling a franchise might not be as straightforward as with an independent business. Franchisors often have a say in the sale.
How to Buy a Franchise
If you are thinking about buying a franchise, you may want to consider buying this book. It provides in-depth instruction on how to do it and why.

Making the Call: Which Path to Pursue?

Deciding between an established business and a franchise hinges on your personality, goals, and risk tolerance.

If you’re someone who relishes creative control, is ready to overcome unforeseen challenges, and enjoys shaping a unique brand identity, an established business might be your canvas.

On the other hand, if you thrive in structured environments, prefer the security of a recognized brand, and appreciate the safety net of a franchisor’s support, then a franchise could be your fit.

Remember, there’s no universal answer – it’s about aligning your choice with your vision of entrepreneurship.

In the realm of business, it’s not about being a solo warrior or riding the franchise bandwagon; it’s about finding the path that leads to your success.

Get out there and show the world what ya got!

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